Saturday 28 August 2021

Second Hand Shoes

Second hand shoes, Ray Scott Second hand shoes Second hand shoes Bringin’ bills to all yer’ homes Old news to make you cry Second hand shoes Second hand shoes Both of my feet are killin’ me But at least my socks are dry I’ve walked ten million miles today in someone elses’ shoes Front line worker for the crown Got those Covid 19 blues Deliverin’ letters all across town Extra souls in thrift shop shoes Not enough in my net pay To get myself a ’new pair today But it’s a nice day for a walk, ain’t it? With all them Ks’ ya’ must be fit! If it’s bills ya’ got, don’t want’em… It’s second hand shoes Second hand shoes All the blues from my take home pay a’ makin’ me wanna’ cry Second hand shoes Yesterday’s news Both a’ my feet are killin’ me but my two new socks are dry Both my feet a’ killin’ me n’ my two, new socks are dry

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