Saturday 28 August 2021

Life Factory

Life Factory / Songs from the Cotton Factory: Ray Scott One hundred centuries is all it quickly took To reach across our two way city side street For her knowing, telling, aging roots to move through earth And stretch across this shaky human ground The sacred and majestic ancient life that moves beneath our feet Is slowly being shaken, trembling, clasped branch clings to final silver maple key Mourning the final, fallen dying leaf In a lonely suburb vein, where hearts beat innocently Branches intertwine, like vines, and love breathes, sways and sings to me In a lonely part of this busy land Stretching, reaching, intertwining branches, guardianship for innocence of childhood And hide n seek and first loves, holding hands In where was once an endless freedom-field of promise-land And now with growth and earth machines a’ ploughin Fearful, we all clasp each other’s hands, not seeking, only hiding Trees no longer singing only dying Cries in vain from corner silvery maple nooks Bud on bud and twig to twig, foundations where all magical webs weave And baby spirits, living things they sing and sleep and dream in there In bending bird nest, in the winds and silk cocoon in spider threads Cycles might be coming to a quickening end of sudden dozer doom In dying times, there’s still rebirth And love, so deep, babes softly sleep Keeping each and every single other still recurring, still alive The ancient mighty silvery maple now is sore and slowly bending Carrying us all, in her branches she is giving, breathe of life and second chances However hauntingly she blows, as winds and seasons change She’ll forever fight to cradle the lost child still in me Hiding till I’m ready to go seeking Confidently grounded, clasping tightly onto this majestic fallen Silver Maple Key

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