Saturday 28 August 2021

Canoe bug

I'd love to canoe with you in webs of thought, as your wild-waterbug Through smoky morning creeks and canyons In your eyes, fall like a screaming eagle, diving into aquamarine freedom Slicing through the cotton clouds.... Splash, roars the earth explosive. threads of joy take millions of directions we are veins of life and dreams that sail through all Sea Womans' rivers of honest love ejaculation joyously enslaved in sticky dreams at dawn, vibrating in your deep, rhythm, into the wide open morning beyond the glacial ice wine mountains, meandering through the neverending hills and apalachians. Rolling over, gliding, rippling on the water... Flowing

Witch's Juice

Dorothy n toto ran into Scarecrow While hidin' from where that crazy witch flew Scarecrow winked, said you look pretty in blue The dog growled n howled While she pulled out his nails And as he fell from the cross In the field of high corn they all crawled 'round to grasp at his scattered straws Dorothy asked scarecrow How ya' speak with no mind? N' he hummed and hawed n' then he just hunched, I'm high on trump, he kindly replied On a yellow brick road; bewitched n' cursed All my insides, so dry and I'm dyin' from thirst My mouth runs on, most all of the time The whole path to riches, already all gold And I havent a nickle or even a dime And they all sat down on a stump Next to a strange apple tree Who was angry and rude And just plain greedy n' mean He was hording the produce For the witchs' juice He'd been smokin' her brew So they all took a toke Of mirrors and hocus And they all took a hit, the road went all outta' focus Into the apple she bit Her face got all sour She grimaced n' spit Out the poisonous taste Of Oz politics Scarecrow found mind to help Dorothy along To the city of jewels and emperors And colorful horses and moral, to long, drawn out song Dorothy found her way back home Ignoring behind the curtain jive Wicked witches flew away At least for now, no lie, yes way! And all the little munchkins are outside; Playin' kick the can on 29 abraham drive And everyone is happy again At least while wearin' P.P.E masks and smilin' on the outside

rogue shepherd

Your Attitude can take more time away from life than time itself With post it notes, covered in dust near old antiques on a bent bookshelf What do they say to you What did you write How did you wrong, So you cant sleep tonight Was it worth the power of this great unrisk To work so hard To dream your dreams away And fight so strongly to not fight infectious critic crocks of ...., all- Yer' ways' a thinking, They can take more time than time itself Away from all the treasures Choices choose to gain from life Attitudes n' frame of minds And makin' wrong from right And victims of conditioning From all cynical minds they poke you with the vaccine so constricting and you're abandoned yet you're tracked n' traced alone, collective in spotlights running in your mind while sitting in a plastic drug store chair sheep or shepherd, planning out the jailbreak of your... Tic-tock, life

The ballad of White Lady Willow and China Maple Red

The Ballad of White Lady Willow and China Maple Red, Ray Scott I went out this morning and I walked without a mask, to breathe some toll-free-air Beyond a border we all used to share Too fed up with conversation with me, so much better before I was there I wrapped my arms around the wind and I did not even ask And I overheard the garden ghosts at their Monday morning vow of silence sing- along requiem mass We are all trees The soil of dead, it fills the body of the living The breeze seemed haunted, trees were halted, gathered to appease There's just something there that's different Without concealing still revealing Eternal roots are planted in their soft n' sighing song China Maple Red Makin love to his White Willow Bride Weeping on a crying river In a world of blame and worry Half the tree is dead while the other side still grows "My eyes see a woman weeping there," The little child told "Why does she cry so, in his arms?" My young lady, no one seems to know Why, the garden's sinking lower Dyin of thirst, from sky to dirt While in reverse, from head to toe There’s rebirth and everything still flows And she sits in his canoe of hope n trust Just circling while grand rivers quietly turn to dust While the branches in the roving winds a' rowing Goin' round in circles on the water of the now imploding world And all the while he’s only just a lonely traveler, lost up in the skies, oceans, wild wilderness; deep within her vast blue-green and sunflower gold n autumn rust n' cloudy, endless eyes "Explain to me your spirit?" she turned and tossed her hair. ..."Well," White Willow in the small childs' eyes, quietly cleared her throat, she softly China Red, "Are you filled with the souls of all your dead? Making up your body from your heart in corkscrew roots n veins to wrap around the branches in your head?" "Take me by the maple sleeve of my blustery branches," he bent back and said. "And I'll guide you on my arm, c'mon. I'll carry us on through from where it is where you came from. And I'll stay with you and try to not get lost while we guide each other all the way around the love and death of strife n' life and all the way along..." And I watched them fade so far away while I walked down the steaming road And I still, to this night, cannot shake the sound of their ol’ song With all these people hurtin' people, I’m singin' where did they go wrong? And sometimes when I go out walking Sometimes where I rove I hear that little girl a' weeping, Along with Chineese Maple Red and Lady Willow, Far off down the road And she sings to me the ancient moral, carried in her crying wind and hopefull haunting song, Vanity it is not racist It is just fools making false faces Inside of funhouse mirror mazes Traceless, hollowed forest souls Alone and helpless in lost places Shuffling along

Aegean Island Smiling eyes

Aegean Island smiling eyes they call, Ray Scott I felt you gently landing cross the body of my mind and winded heart On aphrodite wings Floating in the iris breeze This morning, As the sunrise chased the moonbeam waves across the waning watery dark, To mainland where she'll take us to the Goddess of loves' ever-steady, Heaven-wand hypnotic hand Where bare feet dance on heating sands When scalded, my arms rescue There, you softly sing to me, goodmorning, Gentle laughing Echoes on the shoreline, steady sailing Hands embracing lifeline time To endless possibilities, we toast easier, happier lives Stroke my hair and call to me My windflower, whispering In this cold October morning Singing through the last standing columns of Samos Island in your ancient guarded eyes, Where we'll love each other on a raft of irises and silky, white debina vines, with toes in sparkling shoreline waves Intoxicating you and me In all the vulnerability of your Queen Godesses' mythical, wondrous, powerfully protected Aegean Sea Carefully harvesting our wild desires From the last of Heras' thorn-armoured vines with trembling hands and racing hearts and minds We kiss the lips that drank her heaven- blood, and slightly suck the final grape of judgement from palaces of long-scorned lovers wine

wherein i am without

From where I gaze, stranded out here, soon captive, hypnotized I go... within your dazzling ocean eyes.. a melting drift of snow and ice that calls and flies and steams then sighs with every rush and yawn of tides... a season fades then starts anew....let still be seen my growing....flowing endless love for the feelings that flow throughin, throughout the ocean mirror skies in eyes that smile infinite layers and shapes of aquamarine, sand and sun, forest evergreens sighing sweet, soft, soliloquy lullabies of dream dust flight, secure, free n' held so truthfully tight.... Within....deep breath, withheld, Withheld... Again And then Without Released In circles, cycles, Blown away in bits Collective All because of where I am and now have gone Because of how I've seen and thought Behaving into you Dazzle me? within your ocean eyes.. a melting drift of snow and ice that calls and flies and steams then sighs with every rush and yawn of tides... a season fades then starts anew....let still be seen my growing....flowing endless love for the feelings that flow throughin, throughout the ocean mirror skies in eyes that smile infinite layers and shapes of aquamarine, sand and sun, forest evergreens sighing sweet, soft, soliloquy lullabies of dream dust flight, secure, free n' held so truthfully tight

Panic Spray

Panic Spray Am I off the hook or am I still nailed to his cross, pneumonia-lunged and spiritually killed Covid spreads All scatter, flock. Stock up on your panic spray It comes in cans All shelves once stocked Are emptied by the frantic mobs; All breathing in What spreads and spills To help one distance fellow man, Supercom securely binds Your ankles first And soon to be in shackles, Both your trembling hands Worry Hurry Hysterical state Ripping up the country side Bar your windows. Cloud your mind Lock your gate Covid spreads like forest fire furious, ferocious, raging train On tracks of molten lava steel That rumbles and roars like a demon- beast across the globe On water, Air And squealing, squalling, screaming ash Volcano howling Now all the drifting, distanced lands soon under one great supercom police-ruled, bluetooth giant factory juggernaut iron fisted robot hand And no one left collective Less than 50 Gradually down to one But sadly weak and broken Spirits cannot bring oneself to ever take... Or proudly make, in vain, Heroic stand We leave it left in global healths' pre and post apocalyptic determining plans

between the push and pull

Swimming with the pisces; Between the push n' pull As if when stars align and hold, and wild flowers unfurl And betwixt the silver flashes in nights' flickery dark and rippling moonglow folds, We reach to one n' other and our souls do not let go sparking once in lifetimes, Us two, next each other; balancing the waves and beach and lighting fires for each other - while I carefully look into her giftly-wounded deep blue azure/ocean eyes and she'll smile back, reflexive, with an aquamarine smile in mine. breathing, sighing and relaxing, Flowing like the cool, soft-waters And exhaling Expression confidently makes no noise and gently, she collects me, like a wave that climbs and spreads then holds on for a moment where our eyes stay steady magically, in that fantastic fragility, when shells and shore sands shimmer, before they merely sink or tumble back to sea, She is beautiful. She intrigues me; the aquamarine-eyed Aquarian, Embracing a forever friend and everlong companion In a peacefull eb n' sway of moonlight somber songs that sooth in infinite direction, all of lifes' uncertain sighs Where the fall wind cries Her gentle, loving kindness shines My trust smiles safe-security extends arms and wraps her in togetherness, that intertwines with mine exciting, compassionate and calm We are understanding. In loves' fire nights mesmerizing.

Bandit skin of Program Intuition

The Bandit Skin of Programed Intuition, Ray Scott Simeon was an extraverted introvert on holidays from work Headin’ home on highway 6 after a pint with an online girl He was flagged down on the shoulder By two tan skinned men pulled over Hoods pulled down, black covid mask round And a broken down moving van Simmie stopped at moral crossroads n’ nervously rolled down the window One of them bandits said as he stuck in his head, that their gasoline gauge was broke He opened the door, stuttered when he spoke, so Simmeon awkwardly joked, As long as you don’t kill me, won’t ya’ hop in the seat, we’ll getcha’a jerry can at Petro And then the moving man asked the driver, Do you wear your colour on your skin just like a sleeve? Do you roll it up and down depending on who you might meet? You know, you might change in sunlight or wherever you may roam But your skin’s no indication of the place we both call home Well, the driver was full of questions as he drove to the gas station, Head of horror scenes from hitchhike flicks, his hatchback drove on intuition Bandit told him their story, while his friend stayed with the truck They were four hours late, in the wrong place with all of another man’s stuff By the time they got it sorted, the man refused to pay The police were called and righted the wrongs, they were there to mediate The driver parked outside the Petro, Bandito got a jerry can Turned out he was just a hard working son and a kind and honest man And the driver hung his head and sighed, ashamed, Do I wear my colour on my skin, just like a sleeve? Do I trust my learned perceptions or do they even trust me? Do I change my skin in weather, do I wear it like it’s clothes? Is my skin my indication of the place that I call home? The man filled the can, they drove back to the van, the night was no longer day And they both thanked he, so sincerely, and he joked deflectively He yelled, get that gas can outta’ my car, it’s caused an awful smell If his guilt could see just what he saw in him, he’d be driving straight home to ignorance n’ fears’ prisons’ coward-Caucasian hell They smiled and waved and cried, Do you wear your colour on your skin, just like a sleeve? Do you roll it up and down again depending on your friends? You know skin gets thicker in winter and peels off in July What colour was your baby skin when you first opened your baby eyes? You know, skin may change in sunlight or wherever you may roam But is your skin an indication of the place we all call home? Is your skin your home, is it a programmed tone Do you feel safe in the colour of your skin, If it’s the colour of, The windows and the front door to your home?

Second Hand Shoes

Second hand shoes, Ray Scott Second hand shoes Second hand shoes Bringin’ bills to all yer’ homes Old news to make you cry Second hand shoes Second hand shoes Both of my feet are killin’ me But at least my socks are dry I’ve walked ten million miles today in someone elses’ shoes Front line worker for the crown Got those Covid 19 blues Deliverin’ letters all across town Extra souls in thrift shop shoes Not enough in my net pay To get myself a ’new pair today But it’s a nice day for a walk, ain’t it? With all them Ks’ ya’ must be fit! If it’s bills ya’ got, don’t want’em… It’s second hand shoes Second hand shoes All the blues from my take home pay a’ makin’ me wanna’ cry Second hand shoes Yesterday’s news Both a’ my feet are killin’ me but my two new socks are dry Both my feet a’ killin’ me n’ my two, new socks are dry

Rockton Fair

From the Grand River Trail to The Rockton Fair: Dedicated to my 1st place singers, By Ray Scott I’m going to Caledonia with Emmie-Rose Take a Grand River walk neath’ the weeping willows Then we’ll take a ride to the Rockton fair The October wind in the country air messin’ up my hair In the midway lights at the Rockton fair We’re gonna' take a stroll, hold my sweater sleeve All the colours of fall and the maple leaves Scattered and stomped by the Clydesdale steeds Pony jump derby track country breeze Thanksgiving And my sweet Emmie-Rose with her cotton candy sings As the tilta’ whirl slingshots us - while the scrambler swings Midway lights swirl, the hammer game rings On a starry night, at the Rockton fair In the night At the Rockton fair I think we’ll take a ride out to the ol’ Fairgrounds N’ check out the contests and farm shows too Sweet Emmie-Rose, just me and you Day n’ night at the Rockton fair I think we’ll take in the o’l country air, while we walk through the smoke n’ flashing lights I’m gonna’ watch my sweetie sing from the heart, while overall Dan dedicates to his horse In the ol’ main hall Sweet little girl, singin' Elvis Presley First place can’t help falling in love I’ve gotta’ get my smilin’ girl a glow balloon Smiles for miles on her and me In the collective glow of October moon And all the country air at the Rockton Fair Farris Wheel turns while we watch from the sky Sweet little songbird, tears in my eyes Music blasts in and out for the stir From the shot-put spin of the tilta’ whirl We’re gonna’ take a ride to the Rockton fair By the Grand River way to the midway night Gonna’ leave it behind n’ park it back at our home Have the time of our life and just let it alone Little girl come and hold my hand and I’ll carry our coats and ribbons n’ things Emmie-Rose please, hold a sweater sleeve on a starry night At the Rockton Fair In the Midway lights On a country night In the midway lights At the Rockton Fair I love you for always, I like you forever For I can’t help, falling in love with you At the Rockton Fair In the midway lights, on a starry night At the Rockton Country Fair

Penetang Prine

Penetang Prine, Ray Scott As a family we’d drive up by Georgian Bay Long weekend memory’s ’93 highway My parents and sister used to live up there Before I was born they left Penetang My Dad hurt his back, they met Joan n’ Don Soon they were gathering ‘round n’ singin’ ol’ songs Fishin’ and whistlin’ on Honey Harbour Don n’ Dad and good friends strumming on their guitars Grillin’ n pickin’ underneath the stars Sang along in our p.js when Dad n’ Donny played Sleepin’ bags at Helens’ we stayed up so late Skidoo helmets rock n’ roll on the ground Singin’ ‘That’s the way that the world goes ‘round’ Well divorce took its' toll on hearts n’ eyes and ears Ma’ n Joan they would try to recapture those times Donny on my acoustic n’ drinkin’ some beers In spirit beside sang Penetang Prine In his Sittler sweater, that father of mine Well we all keep in touch, it’s been so many years Since Penetang Prine moved so far away Donny talks of him fondly, Blue tear in his beer The long weekend parties just ain’t the same Ma’ pack up the car, cooler and paper plates Cheesies n’ chips and burgers and steaks Call Don n’ Mina, gonna’ meet em’ up there Life is too short and it’s never too late I got his guitar, in the car in its' case In spirit my Daddy is ready to play With Donny this weekend in Penetang We’ll see ya’ this weekend in Penetang Heart singin’ memories along Georgian Bay Donny n’ Daddy/ Penetang Prine Sang

Pass me a beer

Pass me a beer: Ray Scott It is early afternoon, 130 Saturday in quarantine I’m all alone with re-runs on and I’m thirsty My sweetheart left a month ago N’ I crack a tall can, in my robe N’ all this social distancing has left me feeling heavy The west town’s closed the park’s roped off And Locke Street’s like a vacant lot Beer time right now’s as good as any So pass me a beer Pass me a beer Gotta' pass the time without the fear When the world aint’ right And we can’t unite Pass me a beer n’ I’m alright I’ll be fast asleep by 5’oclock Skipping supper with cupboards stocked Facebook, Tinder, Netflix, Tic-Toc Beer, beer, beer Thinkin’ I might take a walk Then, what’s the point, might catch a cough Gonna’ get me a beer, beer, beer When all hysteria disappears We’ll take our masks off, drink some pints Hit the town n’ help each other make it right And… Pass me a beer Pass me a beer Doesn’t matter where we’re from, r’ what we’re doin’ here When nothing goes right, put out the lights N’ pass me a beer n’ we’re alright Pass me a beer n’ I’m alright

Pancake Saturdays

Pancake Saturdays , Ray Scott When they were just two little girls, They had the best birthday parties Beautiful girls And all’ the big wide world seemed so full of such promises Beautiful world That I've tried to keep Holding on so tight In a globe of glass Shaken up inside It just might not last Or it turns too fast Ain’t we the lucky ones that it won’t matter in the end? What we’ve been fighting for again and again And all the wounded ones Two different little girls, the same, in situation Born with every opportunity Until the adults came Again and again The little angels, in the alleyway Wide, new dreaming eyes, taking everything in, that we do n’ say Never be afraid to spread your angel wings and fly Songbirds back of the stage Things will be okay What made you feel this way? What can I do or say? Ain’t we the lucky ones, ‘Cus it won’t matter anymore? What we argued for, again and again Look to the angel doves Creating music in a cage All they want to do is sing and fly away Daddy’s’ memories, in a busted beeswax jar Special moments; singin’ songs, playin’ guitar Collectin’ caterpillars, Then they turn to butterflies Snow forts melting ‘way, then splashing round in the backyard Summer garden seeds and barefoot rooted wild dreams Artful angel monarchs fly Whirling, stirring stream around trees n’ sky Rebirth is the wild blue wonder, in both of your brilliant minds Will forgiveness and acceptance - for all of us - come in time? \ Ain’t we the lucky ones, that it won’t matter in the end, What we do or say again and again? It all won’t matter then, tomorrow or today Or in the end It all won’t matter in the end. What matters, after all, inside the end, throughout the means, We'll all as Frankie in the end

Mutaz Abu-Rama'Damn

Mutaz Abu-Ramadam Mutaz Abu-Ramadam Mutaz Abu-Ramadam You thought I was your only friend But I never helped you in the end They made you fear the high school hall He kicked your chair, "Go back!" He'd call I stood with them while they stole your boots Those ignorant attacks on you Mutaz Abu-Ramadam Mutaz Abu-Rama..DAMN! You thought I was a friend... Man! I should've been a friend! Your family held out their hand But now I am a lonely man You're still my favourite refugee I never helped to set you free ABU! Abu! They ridiculed your Palestine That coward wolf packs' hating kind They all thought with insecure minds As one! So fearful, frozen there was I Your Bully’s now a U.S Cop 'Been told his hating hasn't stopped Abu! I should've stood and fought with you Oh. Abu! 'Never really was a friend to you Mutaz Abu-Ramadam.... Mutaz Abu-Rama---DAMN... I sat right next to him Should have put a stop to him You were my favourite refugee You thought you had a friend in me But I did nothing to help set you free I was the first one to be kind to you But I never was a friend to you Confidant Allies? Brotherhood of men? Your family offered friendship first Crab Apples fell next to the Tree Where I stood I could've, would've should've helped you then But Walt Whitmans' road it just ain't really open Abu! Mutaz Abu-Ramadam....

Hate/love matters and rusty ol' treasures, edit

Hate/Love-Letters N’ Crusty ol' Hosers: Ray Scott She brought her laundry over once a week, Box of sirloin burgers n'wonder bread We got on, like the Ropers till I retired to bed Fireball whisky wore off, she would quietly leave Broken springs and sunken cushions Bachelor bios and fresh starts Independence; always lookin' Who'll go halvsies on my heart? And it’s just another lonely weeknight Cleanin’ dog hair outta’ the lint trap and my clothes White noise fan drones on so I can sleep alright Sawin’ logs n’ wakin’ up to turn the light off on the stove and this here night Locking up the revolving front door 2:00am text from her home Sweet Elouise, I’ll not worry anymore Goodnight, sometimes, friend, I’m always here alone Ah’ sweet Elouise, come cuddle me Go away. Now, why’d ya’ leave? Sweet Elouise, can’t ya’ stay? Hate/Love relationship has sailed away My mind’s like an old apartment building So many tenants renting space Management is far too unforgiving Landlord’s always on my case So, come again, please, bring your laundry N’ fireball, we’ll share a toast To quiet nights, we’ll think of fondly 'Cus you’re the one who I hate/Love the most Awe, sweet Elouise How I hate to love you so I’m happy and I’m angry You can leave but please don’t go Awe, my sweet Elouise There my lovely Elouise goes You can bring your diet coke Takin’ in all my incense smoke Watch the YouTube videos Wash yer’ dirty clothes Overwhelm me with your Svengali mind Like you just stole the glasses from the blind Away she goes….Away goes sweet Elouise Away Sweet Elouise goes with her fireball, her diet cola, all her Wonder Bread n' clothes

Life Factory

Life Factory / Songs from the Cotton Factory: Ray Scott One hundred centuries is all it quickly took To reach across our two way city side street For her knowing, telling, aging roots to move through earth And stretch across this shaky human ground The sacred and majestic ancient life that moves beneath our feet Is slowly being shaken, trembling, clasped branch clings to final silver maple key Mourning the final, fallen dying leaf In a lonely suburb vein, where hearts beat innocently Branches intertwine, like vines, and love breathes, sways and sings to me In a lonely part of this busy land Stretching, reaching, intertwining branches, guardianship for innocence of childhood And hide n seek and first loves, holding hands In where was once an endless freedom-field of promise-land And now with growth and earth machines a’ ploughin Fearful, we all clasp each other’s hands, not seeking, only hiding Trees no longer singing only dying Cries in vain from corner silvery maple nooks Bud on bud and twig to twig, foundations where all magical webs weave And baby spirits, living things they sing and sleep and dream in there In bending bird nest, in the winds and silk cocoon in spider threads Cycles might be coming to a quickening end of sudden dozer doom In dying times, there’s still rebirth And love, so deep, babes softly sleep Keeping each and every single other still recurring, still alive The ancient mighty silvery maple now is sore and slowly bending Carrying us all, in her branches she is giving, breathe of life and second chances However hauntingly she blows, as winds and seasons change She’ll forever fight to cradle the lost child still in me Hiding till I’m ready to go seeking Confidently grounded, clasping tightly onto this majestic fallen Silver Maple Key

Let's raise a glass ta' Ol Bevies

Let’s raise a glass for Ol’ Bevie: By Ray Scott Back in 1983, 2nd year with Mrs. Brown, Most’ us rascals new each other from the year before A couple new kids came around Tryin’ so hard to fit in As I now reflect, I’m wonderin’ what’s become of all of them Swimming parties both those years, grapes grew greener on the vine Open field n’ flowing streams, Lincoln County country house The Browns, ya’ they all threw a Vineland shindig of a time; Makin’ memories, withstanding Lakebreeze wreckin’ ball and plough And me, I was an awful-fearful kid, became the fool at school My daddy left that year and I was angry then I guess So I looked to the new face and instead of making friends I bullied and humiliated them, to fill my emptiness Last was James I’d boast and brag, despite his big, brave smile When pickin’ teams at recess or bringin’ snacks on party day He was just a happy kid, smilin’ n’ singin’ live and let live Still Mrs. Brown was the only one tasting Bevan’s parents’ pâté’ Let’s raise our glasses to Ol’ Bevie! Shy Nick was a big boy; he came midway through the year It seemed before we knew it, NRP came on a school day with his mom to take him ‘way He moved in on my street, he lived there with his dad All I can remember’s he was gone so fast and all of Mrs. Browns’ tears Let’s have a drink for Big ol’ Nicky! And where have they all gone, they’ve grown and most moved on Some of us, abandoned still, some regret and gray hair If I could turn the clock, a mere 36 odd years, I’d undo all my wrongs and welcome friends to join me safely while I buy this round a’ beers Let’s raise our glasses for Ol’ Bevie! Tears of joy and tears of fondness Bro hugs all around and laughin’ Reminiscing how the Lakebreeze "Breezettes" proudly used to sing Put up yer’ pints for Ol’ Bevan Let’s raise a glass ta’ Good ol’ Nice Nick and sweet, smilin’ Bevie

The Zamboni Song

I Wanna’ Ride Your Zamboni: Ray Scott I wanna’ drive a Zamboni, have a seat put in right next to me I wanna’ be your goalie for emergencies Round n’ round, we drive real slow Clean the ice n’ clear the snow Hold my hand, away we go Feel your hair fly in the wind Catch your toque and hang on tight All the fans, cheering for us tonight Girl, you give me butterflies Though that is alright, that’s my style Fallin’ on my knees is what I do for you I wanna’ drive the Zamboni I wanna’ be on call I’m gonna’ be a safety net so you don’t fall A musty ol’ maple leaf garden’s my heart Crowd capacity true affection’s 16000 seats But around n’ round, we’ll take things slow Clean this slate and clear our snow Just you n’ me, n’ a lower body injury On Hockey night on CBC in our Zamboni Girl, you take me all-the-way Right into triple overtime I will answer when you make the call today Oh Backup Butterfies and first star-eyes A Standup goalie lover man for you am I I’m gonna’ drive the Zamboni, fer’ the-Toronto, Maple Leafs You’re Gonna’ be so proud of me I’m Gonna’ be your backup guy and you’ll never know until we try Gonna’ have a shutout streak I wanna be your M.V.P So suit me up, I’ll be around When goalie one and two go down I’ve still got all of my teeth Sit-yer’ pretty self; right next to me, Atop, of our, Zamboni Just you n’ me n’ Lord Stanley Stanley Cup We’re gonna’ win The Stanley Cup So let it begin We’re gonna’ ride the parade in our Zamboni Goalie pads n’ all We’re gonna’ head the parade in our Zamboni When all the other players fall We’re gonna’ fall in love, on our Zamboni So ride away with me and The Toronto Maple Leafs…On our Zamboni

Love/hate matters and crusty ol' letters

Hate/Love-Letters N’ ol’ Crusty Hose-bags: Ray Scott She brought her laundry over once a week, Frozen hamburgers and wonder bread We got on, like the Ropers till I retired to bed Fireball whisky wore off, she would quietly leave Broken springs and flat couch cushions And it’s just another lonely weeknight Cleanin’ dog hair outta’ the lint trap and my clothes White noise fan drones on so I can sleep alright Sawin’ logs n’ wakin’ up to turn the light off on the stove Locking up the revolving front door 2:00am text from her home Sweet Serenie, I’ll not worry anymore Goodnight, sometimes, friend, I’m always here alone Ah’ sweet Serenie, come cuddle me Go away. Now, why’d ya’ leave? Sweet Serenie, can’t ya’ stay? Love/hate relationship has sailed away My mind’s like an old apartment building So many tenants renting space Management is unforgiving Landlord’s always on my case So, come again, please, bring your laundry N’ fireball, we’ll share a toast To quiet nights, we’ll think of fondly Cut you’re the one who I love/hate most Awe, sweet Serenie How I hate to love you so I’m happy and I’m angry You can leave but please don’t go Awe, my sweet Serenie You can bring your diet coke Takin’ in all my incense smoke Watch the YouTube videos Wash yer’ dirty clothes Overwhelm me with your mind In pittance of time Like you just stole from the blind Away she goes….Away goes sweet Serenie

The Canal

The Canal Song, Ray Scott I was waiting by the Welland canal Locks not open and my ship won’t come in I leaned on my car and I slowly felt high Snowflakes on my eyes, icy tear snow globe mind Distant, Idling, feels like I’m gonna stall Slide against the hood, swelling up for a fall Bridge is frozen forever as i Feel my fear move through a flurry of headlights My limbs limp, blurred quarantine mind Anxiety overanalyzed Thoughts thinking to paralyze Lungs fill with cold air, crystalized, While my Chevy engine stammers, coughs and dies Blinded black but still feel Great Lake water rise And I realize, that nobody’s leaving Laker locked in and we’re tied to the walls Winter freeze on, icy echoing call Cross the dry-docks, this ship’s gonna’ fall 11 hours of unwound time Pleasure craft, get in line Soul sinks to his knees, feeling hopeless and all I could reach for was uncertainty Moon-clouds, swirling, while the undertow pulls Where the sky is absurd I forgot how to swim Now I’m locked in between Thoughts and decision And the ship drifts on by And I can’t find my head And the bridges fall down To the draining canal And it feels like I’m crying But it was all in my mind All coming and going Narrow borderlines And nobody’s leaving So I reach out, not speaking Some of me, now believing In the calm, flowing line That moves me from Erie, to Ontario So slowly, where I find myself, in broken matters; all tattered and stuck back together in bios of time Where my will unwinds

Dr. Dare

Doctor Dare, Ray Scott Well Darius worked beside RayJay, for the last three years or so Sortin’ through his problems and everyone else’s mail He had two boys and a lovely wife and a very busy home He barely slept, always on the go, his loyalty never failed He always had an ear to lend and time to hear bad news Ol’ RayJay would drive away, n’ he’d be stuck with all his woes n highs n’ lows He stayed out late, building hockey rinks in the family backyard Freezing cold, in floodlight moon, while the kids watched from the window And fightin’ over Nintendo Oh Doctor Dare Oh Doctor Dare! Can you hear me! I need you Doctor Dare My life’s such misery, it’s an emergency My girlfriend’s gone, how can I go on, come save me, Doctor Dare! Well Darius rushed through every day so he could coach both of his kids From lost math texts to finishing checks every tournament he’d be there He gave RayJay their pots n’ pans and all his bar fridge beer And he just smoked a cigarette while his free time disappeared Oh Doctor Dare! Whoa, Doctor Dare! Will you spare a few more minutes, Doctor Dare! My ex-wife is relentless and my kids won’t come n’ see me Please help me to get through this! It’s an emergency! Doctor Dare Well, RayJay had to leave the station and he never said goodbye Doctor Dare finally was in peace n’ quiet confused as to why, he hated it! Well he took a smoke break, for goodness sake and he called home to the wife Honey, fire up that backyard whirlpool, I’m gonna' have a real good cry Doctor Dare! Whoa Doctor Dare! Will anybody care for Doctor Dare! Works two jobs then coach and counselor, Morning, noon and night And somewhere in the middle, happy wife means happy life Kids, put your jammies on Doctor Daddy needs a nap Pillow fights and blanket forts Uneaten lunch in lost napsacks Chocolate bars in brand new cars with cloth interiors Chorus

Dancing in the kitchen

Dancing in the kitchen Ray Scott Oh, Blue-Eyed Sue Getting close to you Is like finally being home One thing is true, now, without you, I don’t ever want to dance alone Well, it’s a quarter to nine and I’m doin’ fine My heart feels like it’s finally keepin’ time We started dancing in the kitchen Letting ourselves go Neither one of us were leading Going with the flow I forgot what was the matter All the worries of my world When I took one long look at her Eyes wide, like wild roses as we embraced and unfurled Oh blue-eyed Sue, my rhythmic tics are all but cured tonight Well, it’s a’ quarter to ten and I’m alive again The dance floor-clicks move up n down like we’re setting off on a sailing ship From a floating dock, up in my mind, so intertwined, your soft cheek touchin’ mine No need for cabernet or port We were doin’ more than fine We moved slowly back n’ forward On a moonbeam through the blinds Swaying between seconds, following no path Reaching ‘round our minutes, gentle hands n’ steady breath And we laugh ourselves right up inside of validating vines Hold me in your love vine While we just let our song flow While we age much like a fine wine Dancing in soft spotlight of the moon, Glowin’ blue eyes; Sing me one more soul felt tune, before you have to go Oh Blue-Eyed Sue, you’ve waltzed into my fragile state of mind Well, when quarter to eleven strikes, like quiet thunder, kissing lips that calmly taste the moment between times We slipped out of our socks They were catching on the ol’ click-floor Cautiously uninhibited, like two-stepping ‘tween sharp rocks The more my conscious shifted, she caught me with her soul Embraced me with her angel wings Cradled me in force field rings Every time I held her, from that moment at the door To free-flow in my kitchen, jigsaw dancing ‘cross the floor I felt like if she stopped right there n’ then, everything important I’d be missin’ I’d never dance alone, without her, forever, anymore again Oh Blue-Eyed Sue, when I dance with you, i feel like I found home Came by, one frantic Friday night, n’ took my hand, in my kitchen And my heart’s finally keeping steady time When I dance with you, Sweet Blue-Eyed Sue, I’ve made it home and I’m finally doin’ fine. When I dance with my Blue-Eyed Sue I’m finally doin’ fine

Dance right out on me

And She Danced Right Out On Me, Ray Scott Dance around this frozen ground N’ dance right out on me Butterfly, twirl in the air Spinning off your feet Held your hand, and let you go To float n’ fly above I tried too hard to catch a spirit, in self-conscious love When failing’s all I ever knew And falling’s all I know Your strength is independence Your light’s now my remembrance Your candles and your box of wine Your soft, sweet, smilin’ brown eyes glowing You’re a skating princess butterfly and you intrigued my mind The weekends with you, kept me goin’ How I tried to make it last forever and much longer All in all, the sculptures melt in small amounts of time Like springtime in the bench of Jordan valley, in stone cellars Sweet, Lea-Anne my butterfly I wish I could’ve held myself together In that space, between my floundering mouth and moody mind I wish that I was stronger You dance on ice You’re free You dance to music gracefully You compel the band to play for you And the dance floor and the ice rink needs you I never realized how much that myself got in the way I never loved myself enough until you slipped away Skate on Dance on Fly Fly away Butterfly Butterfly The soft, dim lights through slight fog humming your name from the stage Your energy keeps them all goin’ While the band’s about to play, And she danced right out on me

Vibrating Water / The Burgoyne Bridge Song

Vibrating Water / The Burgoyne Bridge Song, Ray Scott O’ Scarla O’Sharma’s got Suspension trauma Sleepin’ on sidewalks, crawling outta’ ditches Living in the moments of the skyline wind Hangin’ offa’ balconies, ledges, cliffs n’ bridges Twelve miles of tears that journey toward solution Forgetting your present is self-persecution Whoa Hans Pandler, was climbin’ pickets or’ the creek Shoeless soul on Downtown Street’s gone up Burgoyne’s ledge Well the spinnin’ world and ghostly moon twirled out a stronger breeze, And he slid right down the brackets on a hooker on St. Paul West. And gravity must’ve brought them together She broke her hip n’ he hit his head and that’s all he can remember Now, they’ve owned an antique store for twenty years or more And they both live happily forever after Well Ben he sang for Trish while she breathed her final breath Ol’ Beaverdam could not withstand atomic twelve mile tears That night while the starlight shone the song put her to rest Her soul rolled through the Henley as her cancer disappeared And fate must’ve brought them back together Losing everyone, all one by one is cancer on the soul They both lived in a van and made love on command From runaways to livin’ life, we’re all relative, ya’ know Jaldhi pours the mailmans’ coffee at the Petrol station Fillin’ cups of kindness, sharin’ with no hesitation She lives all alone, her landlords’ sellin’ her home Her big brown eyes still long for love while he vents his frustrations And time ticked n tacked them together He’d always find his ocean there, no matter what the weather Now they’ve lived above separate stores for twenty years or more And they both live happily forever after Charity sings alone beneath Burgoyne’s bridge Overpass n’ undertones she just loves the acoustics Late nights in the grass along the running stream, She curls up in her sleeping bag and begs for self-forgiveness In a moment of weakness, in twelve mile reflection Then a shooting star streaks across the iron white arches And the heavens come and put her back to together Like a firework exploding in her soul She danced inside her mind when she left all space and time And she finally found her peace forever after Sandy’s a nurse at the injection clinic A broken hearted single mom, a soul mate cynic Teen, twin boys keeping balance their way Hard workin’ families hold up one another Building bridges of hope for each other Since Charity ran away they’re hoping everyday hangin’ on and praying that their sister finds her way And gravity must’ve kept them together for some reason after bulldozing their lives turned upside down they hold onto their faith, love each and every day For after all, There’s homeless folk out at Burgoyne bridge, still hangin’ round, suspending trauma...

Camping Fever

Camping Fever: By Ray Scott On the shores of ol’ West Lake by the banks of Garrette’s Isl. Cabin 5 Campers settin’ up site N’ singin’ songs by firelight Pitchin’ tent, testin’ limits, tellin’ jokes Moonin’ the ministries Dan n’ April had us all writin’ notes Apologies to the fisheries A shooting star streams outta’ sight What a wonderful night We’ve paddled through in our canoe In a twenty one year moonbeam of memories and music Every year renewed Visits from the tragically hip Playin’ our ballad for them Paul and Bob said our song was so real All smiles, what moments back then We were all just big silly ol’ kids Nurse Barlow tryin’ so hard not to laugh All night jokes, yo mamma so fat… We kinda’ all got in trouble for that While the glow of the soft sighing moon Cast a calm cross the lake, off the dunes Strummin’ songs, leaving worries behind It was always a magical time A shooting star streams outta’ night What a wonderful sight I paddle through in my canoe Through tidal wave worry Cuz’ of friendships and memories Of each and every single one of you I still believe in sunshine Trilliums growing in the rain I still believe in sunshine Laughin’ singin’ n’ splashing in the rain Hey - I think I hear my name Hey – I think I hear it again

Thirty-Two Hundred Miles / Naomis' Song

Thirty two hundred miles, Naomis’ song, Ray Scott and Naomi Woodyatt On my way to Heaven, I was tryin’ to say goodbye Little girl, Naomi, lost in Cork Town, delayed flight The runaway it is wide open, thirty two hundred miles A bastard slipped that poison in your drink, you couldn’t fight Thirty two hundred miles across, the distance of your scars While Hailey’s comet whirls around, collecting fallen stars From Ireland to Pearson, you were desperate to come home So shattered, fooled and shaken, burryin’ your pain alone And I should have been the only thing to be put so deep down I was flying up to heaven when you got onboard that plane I was knowin’ that a demon put that poison in your veins If feelin’ is believing, give me one more final day And I’d fly across the ocean girl, to blow that man away You don’t deserve this pain, my baby girl You’ve given so much love to this big world He robbed you of your happiness that day To kill him now, won’t ever take your pain away If you could fly, you’d have been here, to say goodbye If planes and comets all were angels, broken stars would never be alone to cry You don’t deserve this pain, my baby girl Naomi, daughter, all I ever wanted was for you to know the love in this big broken world With every final flutter of my blinking eyes I tried to put another crack in the hand of time So I could freeze the ocean waves and ride the comets’ torn-up tail across Thirty two hundred miles of scars and wounds at any cost Thirty two hundred miles of scars and wounds and tears To travel through, to bridge the gap t’ween missing years Little girl, Naomi I will never rest in peace Until I find you justice so that you can finally trust again and sigh and sleep Willow My sweet willow My willow We will Rest in peace

The Big Blue Thumb

I’ll never understand the blue thumbs stickin’ down Whole lot of cowards, who needs them around Every place on this big Earth Crawlin’ with critics of self-interest, dot-con bullies and internet jackasses and terrified jerks sometimes people sometimes purple eggplant peach pilots livin' on pluto, vaccation on mars, criticisin' tics a' talkin' selfie stick ridin' karaoke stars Cyber kids with grown up hearts Startin’ out brave to have em’all torn apart Internet casting call world wide Everyone can audition, everyone tries Some tic-tock-in’ happily, then they soon leave, with lifelong tears wellin’ up in their eyes You say, you aint’ been hung over in all of your life ‘Cus you ain’t never stopped drinkin’ accept once or twice A whole lot o’ people, givin’ blue-thumbs-down The very first colour to kids, of the dreaming skies and ocean waves and of fragile brave Received by their fantastic eyes and then locked up in prism Dreamin’ turned to schism We build them up to be put down Who needs these kinds of A-holes around? So many role models, with elbows for knees And fingers for toes And when they blink, I sneeze Geeze’ Tom Stewart Friend to me, You n’ me we have guarded dreams Locked up gifts of creativity So all those critics in internet land Can all go back to take a look in their hand They can turn their big blue thumbs all the way around Somersault, cartwheel through their funhouse of frowns And stick em’ where their suns go down And make the efforts over easy No big dream sounds a little cheesy So process this Sorry to bug And open up for a great big hug And then kiss right off Or take my hand while we cut up a rug I’ll never understand the big blue thumb Pointing down, where your thoughts come from Bravest babies, big blue eyes Growing cold to criticize Fear, threat and hostility Just upside down and scrambled hospitals n’ hotels without a couple o’ Ps’ Every place in the new universe, has hidden cowards and scared little jerks Say, Hey, big kid What can else can I do? Don’t my magic mean anything to you? Say hey, mom and dad This is my new song Hey hey, gotta’ play, without fear of how I sung And big blue thumbs Say hey, go’way I’m just serious about my fun Dream dream away Hitchin’ rides with my blue thumb…. Big blue thumbs Sarcastic thumbs Go’way Hitchikin’ big blue facebook don’t kill the messenger thumbs Group chat thread Catch flies n’ lies Perpetuating child cries

Between the lines

Between the Lines, Ray Scott November in the region, like that late June vineyard evening Gathered round the fire, sipping on gluehwein Beltin’ out ‘neath glacial skies, echoed through the appellation Four mile creek songs flowing, glowing in Sweet’ Annie’s eyes Ice wine seasons’ opening, singing’ songs together Holding hands n’ kissing soft lips of sweet Niagara wine Few things last forever, like her and i together Now in early April, isolating, while the frost melts on the vine I drive along the Queen-E Highway, now a lot more than half empty No one going back there, where I toast Annie goodbye… Between the lines Between the lines The outset’s I’m left stranded, tangled in the vines Between the lines Between the lines With my guitar, I’m abandoned, Between the Lines Alone here, in the hammer, closing my eyes and rememberin’ Suarez, joyfully singing’ along to all our songs Everybody’s’ story, bein’ told together Greg and Yannicks’ winery echoing, four miles long Belting out beneath the moonlight, shakin’ off cold, Queen-E Feelings On a perfect vineyard evening, Where the frost falls off the vine… Between the lines, Between the lines, Annie left me standing, tangled up in vines Between the lines Between the lines Where all the guitars round the region, gonna’ heal a more worried mind Between the lines – Between the lines Between the lines – Between the lines Singing all together, somewhere, Keeping it all Between the lines

bernardo stole a friend, rewrite

bernardo Took a Friend, (rewrite) Ray Scott bernardo stole a friend; I only had one dance with her I never will again bernardo took a friend She was so lovely, now she’s gone So innocent, forever young bernardo, karla; took a child, stole her from her family Convicted in the trial, From innocence to tragedy From our first dance to misery Shattered friends and family And every time I hear that Alphaville song from the eighties play, Forever young, she will remain Forever young, she will remain Bernardo stole a lovely girl, so innocent and pure to this world Her memory lives on every way, from grade eight grad and still to this day ‘Cried in my arms; farewell to friends So many wild dreams; came to an end And every time I hear that Alphaville song, from the eighties play, Forever young, She will remain ‘Always remember her that way, Her dancing memory will remain Forever young, she’s in Heaven Forever young, we will all dance again

Basement Apartment

I don’t want to’ live in a (Basement Apartment) By Ray Scott Rumble, stumble I can’t sleep Howling’ hound, heavy on your feets Ceiling’s fallin’ down on me Work all week and I can’t find peace I don’t want to live in a basement apartment All this overtime’s made me a wreck I am not at home in your basement apartment I’m so sick and tired of paying rent I’m so sick and tired of paying rent All my overtime, already spent Plaster falling on my couch Scurry, furry little mouse Cold air blows through old window Furnace heat’s outta’ my control I don’t want to live in a basement apartment Feel like blowin’ fuses purposely I don’t want to pay for your many vacations I just want to play guitar in peace Every day and every night on eggshells of anxiety I’m so worried, I don’t even like to come home Final nerve is fraying at both ends, down to the bone All I want’s to be a man, securely standing on his own two feet Cuz’ heart is where the home is I don’t want to live in a basement apartment Tired of paying for my life’s mistakes (someone else take over) I don’t want to live in a basement apartment Why the Hell Can I not catch one break! (knock it off up there! For God Damn Sake!) I don’t want to live in a basement apartment I’m so sick n’ tired of paying rent I’m so sick n’ tired of paying rent All my overtime and no one up there seems to go to work What do I keep on doing this shit for!

Angel Man

Angel Man: Ray Scott Angel Man with wide-wings clipped Somewhat broken, lost and scrambled Made from autumn leaf-dust sighing cyclone breeze Forever searching for someone With whom he most securely fits Blown together, brought to bits (Loose paper scrap book biographies) By all that stirs and scatters Whirla-rola-mantra’cally, over-acta’motionally Floating in the steady calm, between The wind and leaves Knowing that together, one of them Will never break apart again Held Like separate, Piscean streams Drifting in a dream Along this meditating certainty Connective from the moment With no end And with no start Angel Man, he can forever, never miss her, In his much more gentle, knowing mind And stronger, steady heart


Amor-Fati / She Will Return, Eternally, Ray Scott The leaves on the branches are gone Clan coat of arms colours have faded I swear to not force things anymore Little girl, you’ve drifted so far away Are efforts all in vain in the end To try and be your father again An echoing ghost wind’s haunting my frames of mind Mistakes, in a misery blizzard, buried me In winter, freezing lifetime He cannot win, he cannot win Front row center, all alone while you’re achieving I’m awe-stricken and I’m praying that you’ll never stop believing Over and over again, with each new dream-rise, Springtime, recurring And then…. Ah, ahh. A love so strong, redeems what was lost (Naked branches, all covered by frost) Your smile-light melts hearts’ snow-drift away Eyes of infinity sing Amor-fati He cannot win, he cannot win And then… Ah, ahh.

Burgundy Pearl

Burgundy pearl Neon rose Sleeping beauties yawn, mamas' golden dawn-garden unfurls Her windy orchard flows When she twirls n smiles Her Twelve-Mile tear creek solemnly cries Her honey sugar sandy hair blows And I'm swaying to the traffic wave and bird song Her dress falls along Four miles behind her through the endless rows Like clothesline close out drying And apple, peach scents flying From the windfan dancing off her gown While fruits fall and roll On country ground Just outside ol' niagara town Where my heart n soul All intertwined Wrapped up in the monarch wings inside my wayward mind Like silky green vines, cabernet, ripe n red with glistening grape summer wine, her lips so moist and full to taste I'm all over my daydream space To these feelings, I am bound And dream round n round And wander ol' Niagara Town And closely hold Burgundy Pearl And find myself while lost somewhere Deep in this ol' Niagara Town

Deafened Phantom

within these melting snows they run..the rivers of winter doldrums while the frost cells of a winter that enslaves vapours rise and sarcastic ice crows cry..the longest deepest coldest torpor ...nearly final...sunken beneath snowdrift- steaming grates of muted avenues' collective sighs another hibernation's done ... the magical meandering maestro gathers all the broken twigs n sticks and other fallen batons, his sentimental' second hand things and bows then bids adieu, and far adrift into the cold deep stream of conscience floats and swirls farewell until next fall the phontom traveller slouches, shuffles, sighs and sings and vanishes among the melting cracks on steaming creeks and muddy rippling rings

The Globe

The Globe: Ray Scott We went drinking at the Globe, in Johnstone, Renfrewshire Near ma’ fathers’ birthplace, Cousin, Irwin McIntyre and I, T’was karaoke night, the taps was cold as icy snow Feelin’ right at home, for the holiday there on High street About 15 miles from my last kiss in Glasgow They sang Sweet Caroline, as we drank a few more pints Tellin’ stories of dads’ childhood in Scotland And dear, sweet Granny Mac, feisty angel we all love And the ol’ days, before she and grandpa left the Clan To start a new life far across the ocean Felt like I was home in Clydebank, strollin’ on Killbowie Rd. From Elderslie to Edinburgh, to tattooed at the Bees Knees Chippy Boat and trainspotting and stumblin’ on the Tram Mcmonagles- take’way, few doors down where Sick Boys’ pub is found With Erin Joe and Patrick, my family Let’s hear it for the McIntyre’s a many The brave hearts on Elderslie streets As feisty, as good as my granny Long live the love and dontcha’ think twice, Aboot wrongin’ any ol’ right with this here family Down in the Glencoe Valley, Irwin McIntyre n’ me Through the mist and rivers Where three witches follow me At Loch Lomond, I’m wanderin’ Like a love-lost little boy, Staggerin’ in the highlands… Just where can my sweetheart be? So let’s hear it for Sweet Maggie McIntyre She’ll live on forever, by Irwin and his crew She married into The Scott Clan, love was true Still, McIntyre’s in my heart In Maggie Macs’ Muir Eireann eyes, it’s what she always knew

When a gift becomes a wound

When a Gift Becomes a Wound, Ray Scott Oh, Shayna-Dee, she was Fergie’s friend Her sister is a veterinarian Lost her 40 grand ring in a horse’s ass At Easter Sunday mass, she prays for it to pass Howie headed off to Hamilton 20 years ago to serve troubled children Got married, divorced and lost his mind Cried all the way home, his minds’ still robbin’ him blind When a gift becomes a wound When a strength becomes a weakness When all the love we give winds up begin’ for forgiveness When a perfect plan turns out to be cyclone funhouse mirrors When the sun and moon are playin’ chicken along the equator There’s a starving vegan pantomime caught talkin’ with his mouth full Barista Brie, she makes him leave while protesting and muzzled Lunette she’s a figure skating instructor She used to tour Europe till she had a little daughter Baby girl ran away when her dream was not her mothers’ Now she finds a home with the coach’s maid of honor Roy’s a writer at heart and an artist in his soul Deliverin’ hydro bills to published authors door to door Head is in the clouds as he walks on Wendys’ lawn But her Wirehaired Pointing Griffons turn a daydream to a Cujo nightmare terror before long That’s when a gift becomes a wound And a strength becomes a weakness When security becomes a secure facility When contemplation turns into indecision Bright ideas become just too silly When a gift becomes a wound And a strength becomes a weakness When gestures that were granted are taken for granted When the giver’s always left there, standing empty handed Home is where the heart is but it’s the landlords’ planet

Ring 'around, Aroza' Randy

Ring Around-Aroza’Randy, Ray Scott Some people they go sailing Some people they catch fish Some people build a raft come true Outta candlestick dreams and a wish See’ Randy, he got talent And a heart, so rare and good History of family sacrifice Momma did the best she could Randy built the raft to save ma’s supper Tatters n’ rib eyes for a post season slugger Sailin’ cross the Gulf to catch that dinner Cuba to Tampa, that kid is a winner Ring around-Arozarena, Randy is a winner Some of us were needy Some of us were mad Some of us blame family for the hardships we all have Sometimes, there ain't choices Sometimes we just do Sometimes all we have’s a fighting chance to make a dream come true Sluggin’ away over fences of Heaven, Freedom grand slam for Dad Ring A’Roza’ round them bases Touch em’ all Randy Sailing ‘cross the gulf so you could feed your family Ring around Aroza’Randy, right across the Ocean Ring around Arozarena all around them bases Randy built the raft to save Ma’s supper Taters and Rib eyes and dreamy eyed faces Ring around Arozarena, mamma raised a winner Ring around Arozara’ Randy, stealin’ home for dinner

Paisley Sadie / Will ya' leave the Jackets on

She got married in the 1940s Sally-Ann’s’ sweet baby, Paisley Sadie He was an older, Irish protestant Christian, construction Mason man Well, she was starry-eyed n’ silly when she met ol’ Willy He was a’ ringin’ her bell at Salvation Army Her hair sprang outta’ her curlers, first time he kissed her And she slapped him ‘cross the face, they both looked silly For heaven’s sake, sufficed to say, Somewhere tween gears, building canals and bridges And a few more kisses and a couple o’ dates Those two crazy kids quickly got engaged Cuz’ Sadie leave them jackets on He’s comin’ home and he won’t be long Ol’ Duffy’s Truck, parked in the barn Side door slams, kids, you’ve been warned Lock that phone up in the box ( Debra jean, Clark and Colleen, shut off that dang idiot box ) Kids, clamor up and run along Pots n’ pans out on the lawn Sadie did ya’ leave them jackets on? Paisley Sadie, stood by her man Strict protestant form Ireland Loved all those children, for Christ’s sake, She never sinned while she fed all eight Billy, unbutton Davey’s coat Ardelle’s brushin’ Darlene’s hair Wash your face Clark, supper’s on the stove Darlene, Glenna’ come down from there! Ol’ Daddy Duffy’s comin’ home So, Sadie, leave them jackets on Cuz, he’s coming home, the truck door slams Tatters’ mashed, Gotta’ glaze that ham Pots n’ pans will be on the lawn If you don’t leave them jackets on Wash your face girls, clean your nails Clarky’s hangin’ by the bedrails Them dang taters over boil Broom handles and box spring coils Kids, Shut off that idiot box Sadie’s praying’ the clamoring stops Sadie will ya’ leave them jackets on? ‘For Willy tans the skin on their hides? Davie’s been with Ned at the Pine Billie snuck in late last night Truck’s comin’ down that 406 Clark, put away that hockey stick! Lock that phone up in the box Gather those pans and pick up the pots Darlene, Debbie, put away your coats Paisley Sadie, mash the potatoes Willy’s truck is nearly home Set that table he won’t be long Pots n’ pans out on the lawn If Sadie doesn’t have them jackets on Sadie, will ya’ leave them jackets on? Dontcha’ skin them tater hides Within inches of their lives. Won’t ya’ leave them jackets on! Sadie leave Them jackets on! Well Ol’ Willy, he died kinda’ young Left Nana Sadie all alone Birthday cards for everyone The house was everybody’s home Tea with lunch, toast cut 4 squares With grocery bag around her hair Before bed we say our prayers Ol’ night lights n’ no bed bug bites Will ya’ leave them jackets on Sadie? Willy’s left you all alone Will ya’ leave the jackets on Sadie 'Cuz it’s half passed kissing time and time to kiss again Gotta’ button up their coats Ol’ Willy’s coming home Ol’ Willy’s coming home

Abitiby Billy ' Apples to Apples

Abitibi Billy – Apples to Apples, Ray Scott One hundred acres of Tin hut dreams Thorold south rooted in orchard trees Shelter in the sticks, beyond Beaverdams Creek He was out of the house when he was just a teen Rollin’ headlights and lamps low on kerosene Robbin’ Rogersons’ of electricity Loyal, unto himself, to make his own island ‘saw the other side of n’ Irish fathers’ hand Worked at Abitibi Paper Mill ‘Till he took over, Duffin Construction Co. Billy started the Apple-works farm in Fonthill Buried his daddy where the canal still flows How far from the tree did the apple roll? Plowin’ in the soil of the Loyalist land Diggin’ ditches close where Daddy Duffin steamrolled Poolside wedding with the corn-roast band Rattling hayloft and horseshoes, rockin’ with Neon Rose How far along Beaverdams did Billy roam? Cherry Trees and Mercedes Smile n’ wave with the Grape n’ Wine Queen Sowin’ oats and planting seeds in time for the parade Earned each dollar every second, every day Now Billy found a lovely bride, they had a little daughter fixing guardrails n’ farming, they work for one another When kimmy’s baking pies and makin’ jams and sellin’ cider You bet where ever Sarah is, her daddy’s right beside her. Hand on hand on clutches and holding farm ladders Air cannon blast, all the circling crows scatter Now Billy’s still out there, seven days a week Driving pickups n' tractors and thinning those trees Sarah went to B.C and got a Green Earth Degree While branches are broken by foreign coyotes Farmers’ farming in his late seventies Diggin’ n’ plowin’ and plantin’ new seeds While the apple is rollin’ in a haymoon beam Sometimes in the evening,when Billy can’t sleep, He remembers way back to when he first left home When the October moon shone like a Gibson lake beacon Coulda’ been, County Antrim starlight streaming Deep in the gold n’ russet fields and hundred acre rows Kim is holding the same lamp and it’s still glowin’ She calls through a clearing, a Paisley Sadie wind yearnin’ The whispering trees move while the wick still burns In a wilderness hut or Hurricane rd. hayloft Or riches to rags when the fruit’s gone soft All along, all that matters, where the heart has home And where their dreams keep dreamin’ Never far from the orchard does the apple roam

Cams' Caskets

Cam’s Caskets: Ray Scott There was a kind and bushy ol’ mustached man, out on mail route 59 Retired casket A-Z driver, went by the name of Cam Sometimes he’d walk along with me, to get some exercise Then suddenly, cancer came back, wife Barbie said he died They had a son, young Cody, who they lost long ago Memorial of a goalie, out front, every Christmas time I guess I’ll never see Cams’ fireworks in spring, this year When wife Barbie said he passed away I couldn’t stop my tears, ah no Woah no. Awe no It all happened too fast He told me, he was doin’ just fine! And it’s eighteen wheels all a rollin’ Carryin’ those caskets on home All the funeral parlors a’ closin’ But Cams’ gonna’ get there on time Cams’ casket will be just fine We’ve seen rough times, now darker days are forcing us inside We isolate and quarantine and I’m listening to Prine, I’m cryin’ Still, each day I take the letters up cams’ long driveway My head hung low to the letter box, not knowing what to say ‘Cuz we always answer questions on our own, inside our minds Ahh no I just don’t know Why oh why, did he have to go! And it’s eighteen wheels still rollin’ Carryin’ them caskets on home All the funeral parlors are closing But Cams’ casket will be on time Cause Cams’ memory’s doing just fine Cam n’ Cody, drivin’ on down the highway in our minds Cam’s caskets will be on time Cams’ caskets always arrive, on time

bernardo stole a friend

bernardo Took a Friend, (rewrite) Ray Scott bernardo stole a friend; I only had one dance with her I never will again bernardo took a friend She was so lovely, now she’s gone So innocent, forever young bernardo, karla; took a child, stole her from her family Convicted in the trial, From innocence to tragedy From our first dance to misery Shattered friends and family And every time I hear that Alphaville song from the eighties play, Forever young, she will remain Forever young, she will remain Bernardo stole a lovely girl, so innocent and pure to this world Her memory lives on every way, from grade eight grad and still to this day ‘Cried in my arms; farewell to friends So many wild dreams; came to an end And every time I hear that Alphaville song, from the eighties play, Forever young, She will remain ‘Always remember her that way, Her dancing memory will remain Forever young, she’s in Heaven Forever young, we will all dance again

38 Million sticks tappin' / Walters' song

38 Million Sticks Tapping, Ray Scott Wayne gave Walters’ Eulogy in his hometown church Where he devoted his life to friends and family first Thirty eight million tears now flow For the worlds’ greatest hockey coach Places where the puck has yet to go A rec-room museum of memories For the whole country to come n’ see Home’s where the heart is for tours and teams Tears for the worlds’ kindest hockey teacher Flooding the backyard rink ice clearer Seen at all big arenas and with little league dreamers From L.A to Oil-town, pausing for pictures Close to 3000 golf balls, a slice of the green He gathered so Wayne could sign, kind gestures Nearly 38 million sticks now tap For the passing of Canada’s’ hockey dad Wally in the backyard, Phyllis, fixin’ dinners Building dreams in Brantford for Steelers n' winners Wally told Wayne, skate to the ice undiscovered Someday we’ll know what the open space is Never forget who tied your laces Human Hall of Fame’s where Walters’ place is Money and fame and smiling young faces Follow your dreams N’don’t chase lost places N’ be The Great One, being great to all others Never forget your hockey father Never forget where you’re from Grandaughters and Grandsons Scoring goals and hittin’ home runs 38 million hockey sticks tapping Standing ovation hands are all clapping From the Ukraine to the Human Hall of Fame For The Great One, The family, The Father and Son

Whereabouts left town

Whereabouts Left Town Ray Scott Where in the world is Uncle Drew? He took to me to Star Wars at Lincoln Mall and arcade games at the Bijou Then Secord woods Now he wont take our call Now I can guess what they all did to Drew A man can fight back but he never wins A heart like his so big was so misused So many symptoms, callin' behaviour a sin Me too Pellet guns, tin cans, n' Tolkien trees Frodo photo trails among Oxford streams Ghetto blast the past down at Sunset Beach Steel-Wheels-Tour, Cinesphere snapshot dreams Singin' 1 in 5 gets outta' here alive Broken waves and shattered stones alike Skipping-marriage-mirage along that Arthur Dr. Fromever, rippling young reflective eyes Where in the world is Uncle Drew Ain't we family afterall? I can only guess what they did to you I can nearly understand why you don't call Last ma' gran heard, he was Phoenix bound My father tried to reach him, he left town (As well) We missed ya at the wedding in Thorold-South Bijou arcade, Lincoln mall, so long ago, torn down. Bridges, Canals... Where in the world is Uncle Drew My daddy's gone ya' know, I know ya' knew Double feature and the Bijou Galaxies so far away Andrew What in the world did they do to you? Where in God's green Earth are you? Long ago in a galaxy arcade Between double features, Parkway Lanes, Provinces and desert states, left the red light on for way too long in the dark room, of all black n' white, where a magic, photographic mind in a million  frames, Uncle Andrew slipped away Drew's telescopic mind n' lense saw for miles through nubulae' lie l'eyes

Smoke-break Soliloquys

Smoke-break Soliloquys, Ray Scott I remember Tuesday nights at West Town My favourite bar on Locke St. Songwriters’ showcase My shadow was my self esteem Shuffling in with my guitar case And nobody knew my face I wrote my songs on napkins And I felt so abandoned When my turn came to play three songs Before my guitar strap was on They all left for a smoke break While my psyche banged the gong And all I heard while playin’ Was the bangin’ kitchen dishes My conscience just kept sayin’ Those cruel sons of bitches It took so much bravery To free myself from shackles To walk in with my nervousness Escort to this debacle Well I needed all my lyrics And I had to play while sittin’ But nobody was listenin’ Cus they heard it all before While my soul choked on the floor Smoke break take the stage Leave him there to hang himself Suck your sidewalk cigarettes Hope you’re all proud of yourselves Smoke break’s on the mic Singin’ songs based on his life All the trouble, all the strife Hope you all sleep well tonight I’m a a factory workin’ mothers’ son My divorced father was a musician In your happy little studio beds Hope you all lay down your soundproof heads Hope you all sleep well tonight Cus smoke break, it’s alright Smoke break is alright