Thursday 21 August 2014

Seasons of The Tramping - Poem-A-Day, BlogTramp Ray

Seasonal Love? What is it about seasonal love, That makes us weep? Like naked branches, Bending in the wind Of winter Shuttering snow We lie to our dearest companions, ourselves In secret but to keep Enslaved by our own masked inadequacies Settling for a caretakers’ role We’re pretentious in this quest toward dependence and stability When everything about us Manifests as inattentiveness and incongruity Who was it that elected politician; stealing pearls from angry Woman of the Sea? And named a new tradition, to worship their own legacy Presenting in binding of commitment on a satin pillow So symbolic indeed The marble eye of love That, within each dawn, glows; Watching And in dusk, Begins to close, so milky The dream shell Where have they gone, in worlds where loneliness keeps still Within the hollow hells of isolations’ curse And unheard, dying shrills? Where has the right to be alone, peacefully, with confidence gone? Have we not desired far too much, scorned by jewelries’’ monetary flare With all of it, are we not walleyed and blinded, Entranced from staring at the chandelier shimmering stars for far too long? Where is change in this world, like an old wooden mill wheel? Forcing rusty streams to flow And bloom continuity and congruence When the very diamond that will bind my right to passage With the woman who I love and will walk through many thresholds with Becomes this cold, captivation stone; Enslaving us in cells of debt ‘Owned by our wardens – the imaginary audience Wearing on our mind and body Now, in golden symbolism, fused Imprisoning our indifferent spirits Paranoid numb from scrutiny Sullen in such suffocating, claustrophobia Of pristine modern marriage myth Who will bless us if we are not enough to bless ourselves? With answers, concrete to obscene? In living Hell We’ve suffered only circumstances Of our own cognitions’ irrational prophecies Interpreting each sunrise as a tease from God or wickedly unachievable dream We will continually seek out confirmation for our doubt and self-defeating talk We will hold strong to our cynicism concepts, creeping in conformist’ seduction high heel –steps- Together, We Will- walk - For we’ve bound ourselves with modern age, collective super wheels And we continually suffer cycling mistakes Our flaw of thought and faltering trust Instills a certain careful, Shivering fear There’s reluctance in reliance to be a passenger of the force that steers Can we reconnect and love again? Amidst the smothering smoke of sensational news; Quelling creativity and joy Dispersing toxic listlessness and heavy clouds of laziness and misery Can we rise again? Can we even release, be independent, laugh, have ideas, shed a tear? In failing to remember why we’d meditate in cities that still scream and billow For progressions’ sake Persisting in a draining drone To change, as seasons do We both forget that we must fight To ever own Our fate Amidst the late evening of winter, Melting into spring brooks; babbling I am asleep Her delicate, misting-mouth trudges Through jaw -line swerves and curves Round rugged ledges of my chin Tangling in the wild weeds of my swampy, sighing face, unshaven Sticking in the humid, shrubby crevice between, Carefully, Continuing To find landmark On the warm moistness of my soft lips, Slightly parted; breathing steam To paint them, faintly, with a rose petal kiss And she’s startled there, halfway, in the wet and murky turquoise of my eyes When the thorns of my anxious minds’ crown deter me while those thoughts sigh But she reassures While I blink and smile, A little shy We finally kiss And it’s an emotionally wondrous landslide, Along sloped hills of sensitivity (soft clay erosion and waterfalls) Climbs and dives And peeks and wells With butterflies A’ gliding Transcending space and time Launched off ecstasy’ cliff, like eagles Splashing at the end Then rippling like divine musical vibrations ‘cross a calm wake in a tributary of transition Like keys or plucking strings From shale stones’ resonation; skipping We’re well rested in each others’ thoughts Just swimming Playfully So naked, Purely balanced, tuned in, then Floating Like I, In her, She wraps herself in me As we become flooded in each others’ comfort fulfillment And the soft wind whirls her fair hair ‘round my head; A sandy beach blanket veil Pulls me in, ensconced by all the starry wonders of this lovely night Where we are so close, together – One And our minds, bodies and souls Are joined When our eyes collide, Like stars And fuse together - Fiery And then, We are alone, In love and all is truly right Is this the one?

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