Tuesday 16 May 2023

A Beauty-full, Ray. J. Scott

Woke up, made a coffee in a haze... went to bathroom...sat on toilet and wrote this: Beauty, much deeper than a willows' Roots that deeply form and foster true foundation over time Of honesty, calmness, joy and intrigue, Holding to the ground, drinking from the river Of shared thoughts, unconditional love and reflection Beauty In the smiles we see While bending oe'r the craggy shores Finding one another in the Rippling, wrinkly Moonglow water mirror. A Beauty That becomes more lovely, honest, safe and true Through all the willow knows in time, In breaking dawn and breezing strings n' strands across the shadows' chase, so clouded, shady, hoping wish to find a sunny spirit host again A beauty in the shimmering dream in mornings' blinking eyes Awakening while the falcon calls in echoing purpose flight a love, a beauty, so securely yours and mine

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