Saturday 7 November 2015

swimming with the pisces

Ever i have so, beautifully fantasized and clearly overreactionalized, the two of us lounging next to each other lighting up for each other while staring into each others eyes deeply breathing and blowing and relaxing feelings are amazing expression flows and thoughts seem to calmly collect me like a wave falling back to sea youre beautiful  youre intriguing  youre a Pisces and im an Aquarian  Im looking for a forever friend and companion  and my soul mate Gentle loving kindness affirmation and mutual respect trust and emotional safety exciting compassion with calm understanding i too love fire nights You're mesmerizing  eyes of a sky around me eagles ocean azure universe intertwining cyclones north south east west four season swirling deeply taking it all in then slowly deeply free fall letting go Of the glitter sandy shoreline Opened up exhaling

Friday 29 May 2015

Cries from the kill shelter

Cries from the kill shelter; ? Am i real in your heart's fragile fond attraction or merely unborn of your worried minds distraction...

Saturday 9 May 2015

humidity's harloquin horse called hurricane

within this flashing-lashback night through the anxious thick dark swelling quiet and black steed clouds rolling in-a gallop-wave en-gulph coaststorm... I'm nervous vein of lightning... cracks, thousands of whips upon my eyes with a light from kingdom- come the heavens shine ...brilliant skies they are, the stars within the fast deep endless ocean of your mystical eyes. and I reach for you in this shadow evermore with beating dry cough heart of San Andrea curse.... so fragile in your debt i must be strong to reoccur. and all else gently starts to flow and melt while hand in hand together we must soon undo her / endure...through rage of haunted screaming hurricane mares to gentle whinnying summer morning foles....secured to mother earth and sighing cross her morning sands

Sunday 5 April 2015

this distraction is actually my-your truth

While catching that moment, into your eyes and flying; feels a hundred times better, lasts lifetimes longer than false heart sighing in a crack-haze white lip blister kiss n' selfish, self-centered hoots or swigs or trembling tokes and with no clouds of misusing, Misguided... Cocaine-smoke when everything else stops For us together to reconnect all of our pieces that were shaken in clusterclouds Deception, duped; Absurdist-desperate, under static mellow-drama trance-hoax ahhh to finally reawaken.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Good morning Robin of Dundas Valley

Oh singing Bird of spring, Permission texts in yellow for my inspired blue thought-bubble AND for a sighing springkiss through the Heather, with the willows while the sandstirred clouds, once anxious trouble- clusters, scatter-whirl, transmograflowing gently whisperturned to daybreak... springtime glitterweather, PASSION PURE and TRUE I must say... I can't remember ever being so stimulated on a Saturday morning By a beauty - more sweeter and musical than you That rolling-warm thunder on the coast-shore image.....wondrous! I love your free-flow spirit miraculous Great gray mares... thundrously galloping in, on the seawomans morning yawn through mystic mists like Avalon. Blowing me a sighing kiss through the Heather and the willows while the sands, stirring; gently whisped and turned to daybreak springtime glitterweather her, i dream, I am her chaser BREATHING...Gently blowing passion *Strongly* essence-Nature! Taken by attention Going... attention whilst i turn and smirk, remembering....then kick at melting broken salty ice bits to my own captivated jigsaw self-enslave'directed-stray and sleepwalk re-arrendered. in her essence aye, Oh yes i am there; When love is in the windy song she sings the flight, with Robin, that my spirit's taking

Monday 23 March 2015

julianne'S EYEZ AZURELY happened

yourpoet Wondering... Is your personality captivating almost as much as your celtic echoing azure n sea spirit eyes....  I could see the Sun beyond, Behind lighthouse-like n' flashing cloud signals from, On a floating island forever stranded There flies the calling ripple-tides and falls the rolling shadowy sigh Across Clover hills of Irish coastline...towering with shy stonepride the calling of the birds and sky ghosts within the vast beyond so deep we go earth element tones, in the sea and aquamarine in the brilliance of all that is those eyes of yours.  And mine i felt reflexive One last thing.... When the sun met with you, realize it was heavenly and very powerful too  bad, was it?  was blinding for you perhaps.  From whence n' where JULIANNE's eyes JUST happened

Saturday 21 March 2015

your poem

* * Starwinged glittering earthy n twilight toned Aquamarine..alluring eyes. Where eagles scream in golden sun....beneathe the rushing river runs....through meandering dreams.....split seems....forestry parenthisese....soaring....gliding....diving splases of earthly divine reflections captured and connected here in your eyes divine tapestriese...xo Mar 5 * yourpoet sorry

the faceless shadow busker

Raymond John Scott 9 mins  · Edited  · "" ""she will forever be there, thickening darkness...clawing in my back from nearly not too far behind....claws so insecurely clasping...curling.....scratching... taking can never turn around out busking on the borderline.... she made the blackness thicker....deeper....stronger.....she always stood not far alleyways n corridors and all of my frames of mind.....snapping click. click. out went never turned around......the faceless buskin balladeer I suppose because I didn't share my secret love fantasies with you I turned you mad..... bitterluck pill next time...where all is void and vast in a rollercoaster tumbleweed dust storm invisible thread n spool run off the needlepoint of thought and frailty in alleyways n corridors and other frames of mind .......where the blackhole faced balladeer busks out on the empty borderline......clck click click....and lamplights on james north go one by""Like ""Comment ""Share