Tuesday 21 September 2021

Sunflower Song, edit

Sunflower edit: Sunlfower Unfurl toward the sun Yawning when the morning's come Sleeping beauty, Girasol Angel hero, soon will rise Turning spirals, golden wings Petals dancing pirouette Song of peaceful passion calmly flies Endless future in your gently wild Dreaming eyes On the cooling sand at sunset Snowing Dust of dandelions On satin skin and rosie-face In a prelude sigh while moonbeams shine And shadows move around the creeking trees Where fall takes shape Dancing in the windy meadow Full of bluebird singing grace Despite the fear of letting go Clinging for so long She'll gently close her crying eyes She'll feel her breath from deep inside her dreaming heart Then softly smile out to the stars, Make her final wish, Believe... And blow. Goodnight sleep well, Until we meet again Memories hold each other in the windy, golden meadow, My angel, sunflower Hero Soul My love, my life, My Girasol

Friday 10 September 2021

Sunflower Song

Sunlfower Unfurl toward the sun Yawning when the morning's come Sleeping beauty Soon will rise Endless future in your gently wild Dreaming eyes Snowing Dust of dandelions On your satin skin, Cool, blushing face Kiss good morning, luscious lips Dancing in the windy meadow Full of bluebird singing grace Ray.j.Scott